Tuesday, June 28, 2011

only in dreams.

i was not ready for this blow. i thought there was a spark between us that was lighting the way to a new path. i wanted to be everything for you. i wanted to swallow my pride because i thought you were worth it. you are worth it. i hope once day you can find a way to become whole and to truly feel a love you have never known. i hope it is everything you want because you are everything i want. the whole time i was on my trip i had butterflies in my stomach thinking about you and how awesome you were and how much i missed you. the absence of you made me feel that much closer to you, and i wish you could see all the beauty i was surrounded with. it made me miss you because you are beautiful. i dreamed of you. i wanted to sing you to sleep. i haven't felt that in such a long time, it was so strange. my immediate response was to run away from my feelings but for some reason i didn't and i couldn't. i thought that must mean something.

i'm not mad at you. you cannot help how you feel. i can't hold that against you because that is unfair. but it hurts. it hurts out loud. i really thought there was something between us that i have never felt before. i found my self suddenly consumed with hope and the desire to be something to someone else instead of just myself. i felt you were worth opening up for, i wanted to try for you. i don't think there is anything wrong with that. i'm actually proud of myself for allowing someone to penetrate this shell i have, even if it didn't work out how i wanted. i guess thats life.

i see something in you. i know others see it, too. i know i'm not the only girl who thinks you are magical. i only wish that you would believe it yourself. maybe that is part of why you cannot feel things for others because you don't value yourself enough. it would make sense. i will always be here for you. i will always try to help you. being a friend is more important, but you can't blame me for wanting more. i embrace you for all that you are but must see the potential and kindness you possess for yourself. perhaps only then will you be able to open yourself up to be all you're capable of. i know you have it in you. i know you have the capacity to feel because i have seen bits and pieces of it here and there. i wish i could tell you how to hone in on that but you have to figure that out yourself. i will help you in any way i can.

maybe one day things can be different. you make me want to be better person. i hope one day you can feel as strong for someone as i feel for you. i wish you the best.

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