Thursday, July 23, 2009

fear and stalking by a pest control employee

about a month ago i had a small ant infestation in my apartment. i put a work order in for pest control to come and spray. unfortunately, this happened around 10 am while i was getting ready for work. i was trying to find something to wear and blasting paramore of all things. all of the sudden, i see a figure walking through my living room and i was startled to see the pest control dude walking towards me. i looked at him in horror and he just stood there and stared. well- it was more like gawked for at least a minute. he was like "sorry- i thought you heard me!" i'm thinking to myself, there is no way in hell i could have heard him because the music was clearly full blast. so finally, after grabbing dirty laundry out of a nearby hamper trying to cover myself- with anything i could grab- i say " can i please put some clothes on?!?!" thinking he would go outside. instead- he proceeds to go into the living room again. at this point, i'm super uncomfortable, obviously. he finally leaves and as i go outside to leave for work, i find his phone number written on a note outside. disgusted, i called his employer and they seemed to brush it off.

so yesterday i came home and there was this note stuck in my door: it looked hella fishy and i was skeptical to call- so i had a friend call it for me. she finds out it was the creepy pest control guy! apparently he sprays every 4th wed of the month. at this point i am FLIPPING out! i don't feel safe and i didn't want to be there alone. if you notice the bold capital letters on the letter say: YOU MADE MY DAY I LIKE WHAT I SAW. what the fuck!? What’s even stranger is the fact that the handwriting looks feminine and the phone number looks like a masculine. like he had a friend write it for him- which is even creepier! i don't know what compelled him to do such a harassing, creepy thing but i am beyond offended. it doesn’t help that i live alone and am single. i don't know why this shit happens to me or why i attract nut jobs. i already filed a police report and alerted my apartment complex to change the lock, i will more than likely be moving somewhere else every soon. i appreciate all the support and concern!

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