Saturday, July 19, 2008

SIF lord epedemic

SIF lords.... they have taken over the internet. they are everywhere ,in every state and they are coming after you fellas! and what exactly do i mean by SIF lord you ask? well, my friend it is quite simple really:


also refer to this article on the subject : HERE

don't deny the fact that you too may have been fooled by one of these girls! dont be ashamed if one of these SIF lords have manipulated you into thinking they are attractive or even hot. it happens to almost everyone! and how are you to know they are actually 300 pounds behind all the cleverly disguised photos? these ladies are so masterful at hiding their obesity online through strategic camera trickery- you would never know until you actually meet them in person. and by then we know you want to turn around and run for the door. now- hear me out- we all know that we take pictures that are flattering more then those that are not. and we know that some of these people are a LOT more attractive in the pictures then in real life. but i'm talking about such meticulously misleading photography that you would think a 300 pound girl looked like she weighed a buck o' 5! i only have one word for you: TRAGIC!

look, i know a lot of people hide behind things on myspace. or online in general. and i guess i can understand, to a certain extent, why. i guess we all struggle with self esteem issues now and then and a desire for attention in one way or another. so putting pretty pictures up makes us all feel better-even if only momentarily. i'll admit- i have done it and i'm sure i'll do it again. don't pretend like you haven't hypocrites! but if you are so fake with your online persona that you have guys fooled into thinking you're thin and you're not- well quite frankly that is pathetic and exhibits very intrinsic level of deception.

all i have to say to any of these ladies is this: why on earth would you want to trick someone into thinking you are something you're not? do you want someone to like you for something as transparent as a online profile that looks nothing liek you? how do you think you could a build a relationship on a lie? not that you are only looking for that- i know that a lot of you just want to get laid. but even in that aspect- do you really think a guy who thinks youre 25-100+ pounds slimmer then you really are is a) going to want to even touch you? and b) going to take anything you say seriously for being a blatant liar? obviously not! even if said person was to meet up with you and wanted to get beyond pure aesthetics, what kind of integrity does this portray to them? this just shows how inherently fucked up you are inside.

maybe you think i'm shallow for saying that- but the reality is- it's these SIF lords that are shallow! if you are so insecure that you would create an elaborate lie just to try to get attention from guys who normally wouldnt give you a second look, i have to be blunt- you need to get a life! you are the ones that are perpetuating a shallow facade. i have countless male friends who have been a victim to this travesty, only to confess their embarrassing experience to me. i even had one friend who was manipulated so- that he flew a girl out from texas and paid for her to stay a whole bloody week only to find out not only was she about 70 pounds heavier then she appeared, but also that she wouldnt even give him a blow job! he paid for everything! he was traumatized by this. i'm not even kidding!

here is the thing- there are plenty of dudes that dig girls that are bigger. why hide who you are if someone would desire that?!?!?! futhermore- if you're not happy with your appearance- take initiative! hit the gym or eat better! i mean i was at my heaviest probably ever about a year ago. i have lost about like 15-20 pounds as i have started eating better and working out more. so it is possible! anything is! i'm a pretty lazy person but you have to want to make a change... otherwise you never will.

so please ladies- stop the epidemic of the SIF lords. you're not fooling anyone but yourself! have some self respect and stop scaring innocent boys. especially my friends. i feel sorry for you and the lie of a life you lead online. LAME! kthxbye.

Monday, July 7, 2008

annoyances at work.

what a day at work already. apparently a girl i work with- her 5 month old suffocated in the crib. soooo tragic. made me very sad. life is so precious and it will never amaze me how quick it can be taken away. its so ironic- i was thinking the other day how easily our existence can be taken. its just so sad that baby was 5 months old. didnt even have a chance to experience anything. the girl is very young as well. my heart absolutely break for her.

in other news: a girl i work with got let go today. she sat right next to me. my boss said he was "trimming the fat". yikes. it seem also my time at work could be limited. good thing my boss seems to take a liking to me. and im sure staring at my bewbs all day also works to my benefit. HA!

there is this girl that sits right by me and she drives me fucking insane. she fucking is repulso. doesnt take care of her appearance. she is so desperate to get fucked its pathetic. one time i thought i would be nice and invite her out- and this bitch acted a fool! got so shitty she could barely walk straight. was grabbing on my friends junk and grabbing me. tried to have another friend take her home but he wouldnt be caught dead with her. i was so embarassed. never again. since then i can barely stand her. she has this annoying clapper thing that drives me and everyone around me absolutely batty. someone keep stealing it and she is getting all shitty over it. but if i was here i would wise up and see that obviously it annoying otherwise someone wouldnt steal that shit! duh! put on some makeup and do some sit ups before you start questioning why you cant get laid. obvi! she is so mother fucking nosey it makes me want to knock her out. as we speak she is sitting 2 desks away trying to eavesdrop on what im so intent about writing here. grrrr! she dresses fucking tragically- im talking a beige ball cap, faded green shorts to her knees and loose pinkish shirt that is faded and has some throw back 90's stripe going across the boobs and black socks and skate shoes. WTF! grunge is dead and whats more- even back in that era you will still look like a sloopy, cellulite ridden, washed up stoner that no one wants to fuck. how sad for you. oh and please remove that chin and moustache hair. it makes me throw up in my mouth everytime i get close to you. gag!

maybe i just get annoyed to easy. i dunno. but work sucks and they just docked my pay from $12 an hour to $10. not that big of a deal since i also get commission on top of that. gay. im out more later.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

the end is the beginning is the end

wasnt that a smashing pumpkins song? batman forever i do declare. this is going to be minimal considering i should be hitting the gym up. maybe ill skip it even tho its well needed after this birfday week extravaganza. i think i drank every night this past week. with my 28 birthday on the 3rd [yikes i know] as well as the 4th of july- this 3 day weekend has quite literally kicked my ass.

i decided to start this today although- i am no stranger to the blogging world. i have a blog on the space i keep relatively up to date. i was on xanga and livejournal for many years as well. but i like the format of this one so fuck it. i plan on trying to write more if not every day. its some thing i have a particularly decent knack for and i feel- if i do it more- i will be a bit more astute with it.

lots of shit is going on. im kind of at odds with things currently although all in all i am mostly content. but my bi-polar-ness wont let me settle with that. i long for a change. i have been single now for over 2 years and it is a feat am i most proud of. also something i never anticipated would happen. you would never know it now- but i used to be rather co-dependent, now im so independent it shouts from every cell on my body. funny how things change.

i cleaned all day today. i love cleaning. it gives me piece of mind- although its a never ending battle. you clean just for things to get messed up again. but then again i suppose that is how life is as well. dull and resharpen. a good friend of mine once said that. he is a goddamn genius.

well you wont find that caliber of genius within these pre-conceived pages. honestly- i could give a fuck what your opinion is of me. this is more for my sanity- cathartic if you will. if you happen to find something that strikes a chord- by all means- let me know.

im a relatively interesting person. im also quite dull and reclusive as well. ill let you be the judge.....